story about cyborg-gang 
everything was just about to start. our mission is to protect the 4.0 technology and anything related to that. we don't have a name or gender, just called us by our first name because when it's come to souls, we must be conserved. the cyborg-gang quote is 'every life deserves to live' robotic is just apart from our body, Z engineer programmed us to have and feel emotion from humans. we will not use our technology to harm or defend people because our gang was born to be a tool to help them,

all the characters have their own charm, they are always willing to help their planet.
#1 Bcollieo: own the green power that brings life to anything he/she touched.
#2 Zpsyduck: our cyborg boss, he always carries his pet with him to manage and solve citizen problems with care.
#3 Kread: food power is his/her charm, they deliver food to famine places and anyone who starved.
#4 Osun: the brightest in our gang who shine for anyone needed.
#5 Ullar: he takes responsibilitiy for finance, manages and organizes them for funds.
#6 MImi: the mischevious one, make everyone happy and cozy when she was with them.
demo on products
our logo for this project
this is our name and above the word "gang" is our boss's pet.
thanks for watching my project.


