What It Does:
Every button you press will fundamentally work in the same way. A song will play in the background while you have an object in which you can control by moving and tilting the phone. This project becomes interactive as each button contains different shapes and songs and the user can move the phone in any direction. 
How it Works:
The first thing the user encounters is a splash page, which is mostly used for trademark purposes and to allow as an introduction for what is to come.
After the splash page, a menu is shown with three options:
1.)  Start Button
2.)  Instructions
3.)  End
If Start button is pressed:
Takes the user to a page in which there are four button options and one end option
If Instructions is pressed:
Takes user to a page of text
If End is pressed:
Exits the application
This document controls the splash page and its duration with image and song.
Document that contains the menu options.
This is where the text for "Instructions" can be found.
This file is where the buttons where created with its attributes such as color and songs. 
This document contains the code that allows for detection of phone tilt. 
The purpose of this app was to create something simple that enables me to learn the basics of android programming. 
Splash Page with image and song playing.
Menu Page
Instructions Page
Once START button is pressed, it take the user to this page.
Button 'Uno" is pressed.
Button "Dos" is pressed.
Button "Tres" is pressed.
Button "Cuatro" is pressed.
Musical App

Musical App

A simple app I created to show off my new Android Programming skills.
