Dani Pearson's profile

Domestic Data Streamers #01

Barcelona 2013 - Parc de les Tres Xemeneies, Paral·lel
Domestic Data Streamers is a real time, real size and on the go infographic based on answers given by the public passing by a space of transit. Answers ranging from opinions, to levels of optimism, age or even the colour of pyjamas create a graphic stream of data flow which is collected over 24 hours
Pau Alekumsalaam www.pauerr.com 
Dani Llugany www.dani-llugany.com
Marta Ribas  www.martaribas.com
Alexandra de Requesens www.alexrequesens.com
Irene Ródenas 
Pol Trias www.poltriascoca.com
Octavi Serra www.octaviserra.com
Marta Domènech
Rebobinart Art Collective
Elisava School of Design and Engineering
Jade de Robles (Copywriting)
Maria Ródenas (Photography)
Domestic Data Streamers #01

Domestic Data Streamers #01

Domestic Data Streamers is a real time, real size and on the go infographic based on answers given by the public passing by a space of transit. A Read More
