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Yucca Plant Indoor Care

Yucca plant is a genus of many varieties of perennial plants, trees, shrubs; however, few are found as houseplants with the label “yucca plant.”
Occasionally mistaken for look-alike Dracena genus plant. The Yucca plant family is highly drought-tolerant, slow-growing houseplants.

If Your Yucca plant shows signs of decay, it is almost always due to overwatering.

Yucca Plants can become huge and consume a lot of space, but it takes a long time, and you will indeed have years of fun having it as a houseplant before it starts taking too much of your space.

Due to its slow growth process, Yucca Plant requires repotting, usually every three years.

Botanical Name: Yucca spp.
Common Name: Yucca plant
Plant Type: Herbaceous perennials, shrubs, trees
Mature Size: Varies by variety
Sun Exposure: Full sun or bright, indirect sun
Soil Type: Sandy
Soil pH5.5 to 7.5
Bloom Time: Mid-summer to early fall (flowers are not significant)
Flower Color: Creamy white, pink
Hardiness Zones: 4 to 11 (USDA)
Native Area: Hot, arid parts of the Americas and the Caribbean
Toxicity: Poisonous to animals; may cause skin irritation to humans.

Yucca Plant Care

If the conditions are right, growing the yucca plant is not overly tasking choir. 

They seem to thrive better if let alone than if you continuously meddle with them.

As already stated above, if you give them too much water, it will start to harm the plant’s root, and if it becomes soggy, it is a clear sign you went too far with watering.

If you place your Yucca Plant in a sunny spot with low humidity, it will be the best place for the plant. Pests show a little interest in Yucca Plants. However, the scale can do some serious damage.

During time lower leaves of the Yucca Plant will fell on the ground forming some circle around the stem, which gives the appearance of a small tree.

If you have small children in your household, it is wise to select Yucca species without pricks so kids will be safe.


Naturally, Yucca is growing in a dry sandy desert environment.
Indoors, it would be best if you planted it in a drained and loose potting mix.

This potting mix need not be some special kind, and the best is to use inexpensive potting mix and throw in some coarse sand horticulture-grade.

Also, you can add perlite to aid drainage.


Yucca likes full sunlight, So if you plant them west-facing, they will be quite alright.

If you plant them in a low light spot, it may cause a low number of flowers, and the plant will hardly get full growth potential.

On the other hand, if you want it to grow slower, just put it in a shadier spot.


So far, you already know that Yucca Plant is highly sensitive to overwatering. You can water it regularly in the Spring and Summer; be sure to do it moderately.

During the winter, watering should be minimal. Under no condition leave your Yucca Plant in a tray with traces of water.

Temperature and Humidity

Yucca is accustomed to the desert environment, with temperatures going over 90 degrees Fahrenheit as well as go as low as the 30s during the night.

Hence it is ideal for indoor temperature in your room.


During the growing season, fertilize it with liquid fertilizer once per month usually is enough.

Are Yucca Plants Poisonous

Yucca Plant contains steroidal saponins. Once ingested by animals, it provokes some or all of these symptoms; vomiting, drooling, dilated pupils, incoordination, weakness.

However, it is much more dangerous to big animals drawn to this plant for eating it. Smaller domestic animals, dogs, and cats usually exhibit mild symptoms.

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Yucca Plant Indoor Care

Yucca Plant Indoor Care
