Audrey Thompson's profile

Lolipop Boutique Shopping Bag

I was approached by my client, Lolipop Boutique, to design a shopping bag. The boutique planned on giving these bags away as gifts to customers during an event. What makes the client stand out from it’s competition is that it’s both a candy and clothing store. I was immediately excited for this project as I loved their aesthetic of Willy Wonka meets Beverly hills.
When I sat down with the owner, there was a lot to discuss. She didn’t seem to have a specific vision for what she wanted. However, I was required to include the phrase, “I want candy”, the logo, and sprinkles. She also mentioned that she had an issue with some customers not knowing that candy was sold at her clothing boutique as well. Since this bag is considered a walking advertisement for the store, I knew I needed watch out for this problem as well.
While sketching out thumbnails, I kept in mind what the client had said about wanting her business to be seen as both classy and whimsical. I felt that the bag should radiate fun while giving off a chic vibe. This design comes from a mixture of display windows and the idea of people orbiting around their desire for sweets. When drawing this out, I referred to actual products at the store to show potential customers that this store sold both candy and clothing items. The owner was pretty excited about the design and approved it for production.
Unfortunately, due to the short time frame, I was not able to get ahold of a bag to take my own pictures and only have the one above. I was still excited about how well the bags turned out. It was exactly as I had envisioned for this product. Later, I did create a couple of mockups for myself to see the other possibilities that the graphic can be used as. It was a fun exploration and hopefully in the future, I may get to see these products come to life.
Thanks for coming by!
Lolipop Boutique Shopping Bag

Lolipop Boutique Shopping Bag
