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How To Use a Pole Saw

How To Use a Pole Saw
A pole saw is just like any chainsaw with the same basic functionality, the only difference is it is attached to a pole.

A pole saw is the best tool for trimming or pruning hard to reach branches. You can say goodbye to climbing a ladder to trim high branches, with a pole saw by your side, trimming branches will be a piece of cake, of course, once you learn how to use a pole saw.

Truth be told, using a pole saw can be slightly difficult for beginners.
However, you don’t have to worry because in this guide we will teach you how to use a pole saw in a few simple steps. We have covered everything possible you need to know about learning how to use a pole saw.

From safety measures to the step-by-step process, we have crafted a complete guide just for you. 

Let’s start learning how to use a pole saw shall we?

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The Safety Measures You Need To Take

Before we dive into the step-by-step guide on how to use a pole saw, there are a few safety measures that need to be taken. We all know that a chainsaw is a very powerful tool and can be dangerous to use if the necessary safety measures are not taken.

Safety Measure One: Clothing

One of the most important safety measures is proper clothing. Wearing clothes that cover your body and doesn’t expose any skin is recommended.

For instance, wearing a full-sleeved shirt and full trousers would do the job. In a case where a branch falls on you, the casualty will be less severe.

Safety Measure 2: Wearing Goggles

The eyes need to be protected at all times because, in case of a falling branch, you can seriously injure yourself.

Therefore, wearing goggles when you are pruning high branches is a must and you shouldn’t even think about using a pole saw without having your goggles on. Eyewear is one of the most important personal protective equipment that should be worn when you are using any type of chainsaw.

Safety Measure 3: Environment Check

Another safety measure that shouldn’t be taken lightly is doing your due diligence by making sure the area you are going to use the pole saw is clear, there is no one under the tree or power source.

Ensuring that you can successfully trim branches without damaging anyone or any property is what is important.

Safety Measure 4: Cleaning Up

Once you are done trimming branches, you shouldn’t leave the branches lying around. You will have to clean up after you are done. You can even store the branches for future purposes like for firewood or a home improvement project.

Safety Tips On How To Use a Pole Saw

Earlier we covered the safety measures you need to take before you use a pole saw. However, we have some safety tips that we think you should know about before you learn how to use a pole saw.
Let’s go through them, quickly shall we?

Safety Tip 1: Above 8 Feet is a Big NO!

If you plan to trim or prune any branches above 8 feet or more, then you should stop right there because using a pole saw at that height can be extremely tiring, requires a lot of effort, and can be dangerous at the same time. It’s practically impossible to use a pole saw to trim branches that are above 8 feet and we strongly advise you against it.

Safety Tip 2: Don’t Work Near a Power Source

We can’t stress enough this safety tip because if you are planning to work near a power line it can be extremely dangerous. When you are working with a pole saw and even if you have a lot of control over the chainsaw, it is a very risky business because in case you accidentally cut the power line there is the risk of electrocution. Therefore, working with a pole saw near a power line is strongly advised against.

Safety Tip 3: Checking the Chain Tension

Every chainsaw has a chain and the proper chain tension plays a huge role in the functionality of the chainsaw.

Therefore, ensuring the pole saw has the appropriate tension is imperative, otherwise improper chain tension could result in a sudden kickback that could lead to an accident or could damage the pole saw as well.

Safety Tip 4: Measuring the Oil

Checking the oil tank for oil is necessary because if the required quantity of oil is not present, the operating pole could be damaged.
Therefore, checking the oil quantity from time to time is recommended as a safety precaution of the pole saw.

How To Use a Pole Saw?

Now that we have covered all safety precautions and tips, we can finally learn how to use a pole saw in a few simple steps.

Step 1:  Clearing the Work Space

The first step is to ensure that the area you are working in is free from any obstacles. You would also like to check for any tripping hazards like rocks and more that could become a hindrance when you are using the pole saw. You would want to work easily and as freely as possible when you are operating the pole saw. Moreover, if you are going to be using the pole saw in a public space then you should seal the area with a warning sign to stop people from getting closer to your workspace.

Step 2: Planning Where and How You Need to Cut

Before you get straight to the cutting process, it is recommended that you first plan out how and where you need to make the cuts. If you just get straight to cutting the branches then you wouldn’t know what you are doing or you might end up cutting more than you need to.

Therefore, taking a step and examining where the branches need to be cut is a better idea. This way you will know exactly which branches need to be trimmed or have to be cut completely.

Once you have planned it out and have a fair idea of the work that is required you will be able to cut branches in a more successful manner and then you can move on to the next step.

Step 3: Cutting the Lower Branches

When it comes to cutting branches, you can’t just expect to cut the higher branches first. You will have to move from the bottom to the top.

Therefore, in your planning process in step two, you will need to know how you will be accessing the higher branches. The best way to trim higher branches is by first cutting the lower limbs which will ensure that you can easily access the higher branches. You will also be able to make safer cuts, working your way up is the best bet when you are trimming or pruning branches.

Step 4: Standing in the Right Position

One of the most important steps when it comes to using a pole saw for trimming branches is positioning yourself in the right direction.
 You will have to stand in a position where you are not directly under the branches you are thinking to cut, instead of standing on the side of the branch is the way to go about it.

You don’t want branches to fall on you and possibly injure you, just make sure when you are cutting the pole saw is held at a chest level and a certain angle.

Step 5: Accurate Pole Saw Length

Once you have figured out the appropriate position you will be accessing the branches, the next step is to adjust the height of the pole saw.

By using the manual that comes with every pole saw you can learn how to adjust the length, then by stretching the pole to the needed height for the blade to reach the branches you can fix the length.

Step 6: Position of the Pole Saw Blade

With the help of both hands, all you will have to do is move the pole saw to the branch you need to cut. Once you know the exact place you need to cut, make sure that you have complete control over the pole saw and can handle the weight of the saw as well. The moment you feel comfortable you can gently transfer the weight of the pole saw on the branch.

Step 7: Making the Cut

Now that you weigh the pole saw on the branch, the first cuts should be slow and controlled. Instead of immediately cutting the branches, a professional and safe way is to make a groove in the branch. By tapping the throttle slightly with a finger can make a groove and then slowly increasing the stroke speed you can cut the branch off.

However, if you are cutting thinner branches then you don’t have to make any grooves and can simply start cutting. 


By now you must have a fair idea about how to use a pole saw, it can be slightly tricky to use one. However, once you get the hang of it, trimming, cutting, or pruning branches will be a breeze.

We hope this guide was helpful and you were able to learn how to operate a pole saw. Just make sure that you follow the steps in the given order and you will become a pro in no time.
How To Use a Pole Saw

How To Use a Pole Saw
