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​​​​​​​grecques (Greek: Μοῦσαι) According to ancient Greek mythology, they are sister goddesses (or nymphs or divine creatures), known as sources of inspiration during musical composition, and in later times, as the inspirations of all kinds of arts, poetry, and science, as they were sometimes considered to be their embodiments. The ancient Greeks called for inspiration and a distinctive display of their work. First - the origin, names and functions The goddesses of inspiration were known with different names and numbers in different regions, until the cult of the nine goddesses, who were of Thracian and Boche origins, spread throughout ancient Greece. Many myths and modern research differed in determining the origins of the goddesses of inspiration, some of them mention that they are girls: Gaia and Uranus, or Ether and Gaia, or Pyrrhus and Antube, The most common and accurate of these are from Zeus and Nemocene. They were nine deities from among the daughters of Zeus, the ruler of the universe and the greatest of the gods. And their mother is Menmucine, the goddess of memory. The muses are the goddess of inspiration and imagination and are believed to be the inspirations of all artists. Each Mius is devoted to inspiration in an art. Calliope was the inspirer of epic poetry, Cleo inspires history, Weatherp the inspirer of lyric poetry sung with the flute and the flute, Melvumen the inspirational tragedy, Terbischore the inspirational dance and choral chant, Iato inspirational love poems sung along with playing the harp, then Polimina the inspirer of sacred poetry, and Yuraina is the inspirer of sacred poetry. Astronomy, and comedy inspirational thala finally comes. It has been said that the muses are the companions of (talents) the daughters of Zeus; They are three deities of fun, attractiveness and beauty. The muses are Suihabat Apollo, the god of music. And the Miosites have a council near the throne of Zeus, where they glorify their greatness with their singing, sing the origin of the universe and its inhabitants, and sing the glorious deeds of the great heroes. Muses were worshiped in all of ancient Greece, especially in Helicon, Biotia, and Peria in Macedonia. They were also known as followers of Apollo, the god of arts, and were sometimes associated with Hermes, Artemis, and goddesses of beauty. For each goddess an inspiration was assigned a type of art or science, but this particularization did not appear in the arts except in the later Hellenic times, where before that they were represented as a group instead of specialized individuals who had the ability to completely clear depression and sadness. Muses are characterized by melodious sounds that bring joy to the soul, and they often sing special collective songs with the god of arts Apollo • And for information, the name of the museum was derived from their names, as the origin of the word Museum goes back to a Greek origin associated with the word Musa (the Lady of the Mountain).


