Baxter & Bailey's profile

Ravensbourne University London

Ravensbourne University London

Ensuring that a creative education trailblazer is ready to step up to the next level.

Ravensbourne has been a creative education trailblazer since it was founded in 1952. It lists David Bowie, Stella McCartney and Dinos Chapman amongst its stellar alumni. Moving to a purpose-built site on the Greenwich peninsula in 2010, the college was granted University status in 2018. Which is where we came in. Our assignment was to help Ravensbourne align its brand identity with a new brand strategy in order to better reflect this new, elevated institutional status. Following a comprehensive brand audit, we subtly but significantly evolved the University’s existing identity, bringing a greater degree of impact, flexibility and consistency. And following consultation with University staff, we expanded the brand identity guidelines, giving marketing and design teams the tools to be more creative, expressive and bold.
Ravensbourne University London

Ravensbourne University London
