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Creating an After School Program for Elementary Kids

There’s a great need for quality after school programs for elementary-aged kids because so many of their parents work full time. Kids need a safe place to go after school where they can get their homework done, interact with other kids their age, and be supervised by qualified staff until their caregivers can pick them up.

Starting an after school program involves several steps, some of which may not be necessary depending on the type of program you’re developing.

Determine the Type of Program You’re Offering
Before you begin gathering materials and hiring staff, you need to have a proper business plan in place. Develop a mission that you want to achieve with your after school program. Is it a place for free-play and social interaction, or more of a structured environment where kids continue their school day? Once you’ve determined the type of program you’re offering, you can start putting the pieces together.

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Creating an After School Program for Elementary Kids

Creating an After School Program for Elementary Kids


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