You might find one of this waiting for the bus or subway... 
and then you might be waiting again and again... it's all about travelling without moving.

In life there are ideas that sooner or later will be awarded... Ideas grow into people who thinks, waits, works, travel, they move for some reason... It's the people who is travelling, even when their bodies become silent, their minds explode, they attract the eyes of others...

What was I thinking?
Mix of patterns, shapes, color, fonts and images that I thought to create the system.

It is the gestures that show what a person is thinking... They build stories in their heads, tales, assumptions that will be disguised, or will become anecdotes that never had a script.

BAFICI - Buenos Aires Festival internacional de cine independiente
Trabajo sobre sistema para la materia Diseño 2
Cátedra Yantorno - Universidad de Buenos Aires
Sebastián Agüero

BAFICI - Buenos Aires International Festival of Independent Cinema
Design Project for University of Buenos Aires

BAFICI was born in 1999 and has ever since grown to become one of the most prominent film festivals in the world, placed as it is in a privileged and distinguished position on the international film agenda. The Festival is renowned as an essential means of promotion for independent film production, where the most innovative, risk-taking and committed films can be shown.
BAFICI - Sistema

BAFICI - Sistema

Sistema para el BAFICI Cátedra Yantorno - Diseño 2 - Universidad de Buenos Aires Acercarse para encontrar algo nuevo. Imágenes sobre situaciones Read More
