The Garden of Eden by Cinco Jotas

This Garden is an ode to an indescribable experience, an ultimate heavenly sublime Cinco Jotas experience.
Cinco Jotas is much more than a premium ham brand, it’s the paradigm of Spanish culture and gastronomic heritage.
For the 2020 special edition Christmas packaging, we elevated the brand to the category of a work of art, a concept that paid tribute to the great painters of our country. We had the chance to collaborate with Spanish illustrator, Tito Merello, with whom we created our own work of art that recreates moments of celebration in which Cinco Jotas’ ham becomes the protagonist. The piece raises us a world of images borrowed from a world of dreams and fantasy that equates with Cinco Jotas unique flavor that transcends reality.

Cinco Jotas Luxury

Cinco Jotas Luxury
