Pindad Komodo Stealth Concept


Hello.. this is collaboration with my friends to redesign a Komodo

but first what is Komodo? well its an 4x4 Armored Personnel Carrier made by PT.Pindad which is from Indonesia, equipped with 12,7mm Machinegun called SM5.

The way its look already tell the ages, thats mean it need some modern touch like sharper shape, better shield for gunner, and of course make it more aggresive since Komodo name actually came from a scary largest living lizard.

this is what we came up with, a Komodo that looks modern and serve the purpose well

Apart from modern design, we also change the design of little hatch at the door to make it easier for the gunner to aim. 

Then we add a bulletproof glass on the shield so the gunner could see the surrounding area without showing his head.

Thats it.. thank for you attention
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Pindad Komodo Stealth Concept

Pindad Komodo Stealth Concept

Redesign of Pindad Komodo 4x4 APC
