The name 'LEGODT' is an abbreviation of the two Danish words “leg godt”, meaning “play well”. It's modular tableware collection by ODENSE in 2018.
The Legodt was inspired by the children in northern European countries who enjoy stacking wooden blocks. The collection, which includes a diverse range of over 20 items, can be arranged in dozens of ways. This module-like plating method gives the person doing the plating a great deal of artistic freedom. As the module shapes can be easily stacked, they also enable the efficient use of small storage spaces.  
It goes well with not only Korean and Western table setting but a wide variety of food types as well (convenient meals, dessert, etc.)

Every Legodt product is created via reduction firing, which involves using the fire that flow outward during the ceramicware baking process while adjusting oxygen levels. For each product, a water repellency method is used. Such processes require not, only more fuel and time than general ceramic procedures but advanced skills as well (e.g., minute adjustment of temperature).