Blue Botanical (BTEC Y1)
Project dates: March 2019 - June 2019
This project is one of several projects I had to do in my first year of BTEC Art and Design. In this project I was tasked with coming up with a pattern that fits the theme Blue Botanical. For me the inspiration was clear, witch was to do a pattern based on flora that lives in water. I chose to go with lily pads and Lotus flowers. 

The original sketch was done by getting a A5 sheet of paper, folding it into 4 squares, drawing in the middle, cutting the page down into the 4 squares, swapping the top 2 with the bottom two, then the right 2 with the left 2, using making tape to keep the parts together, filling up the rest of the page and lastly using fine-liner to make the lines easier to see. 

Form there I scanned in the drawing, copied the line art in Photoshop and made a few different pattern variations. I then tried out a few different color palette keeping in mind that it had to be mainly blue. I decide to try and experiment with making a few patterns only using a small part of the image. When I moved on to the background I first tried out a striped one but I think it came out looking a bit busy and hard to look at, so I just when with a simple 1 color background. 
Blue Botanical


Blue Botanical
