Cara Cairncross's profile

ILL 301.2 Editorial design (redo)

ILL 301.2 Editorial design (redo)
mockup from with my design
Brief summary
This project stimulates you to pioneer a new font, with an emphasis on storytelling, medium exploration, image-making, editorial layout and presentation. A character from a film or novel inspires the font. After inventing the typeface, it will dictate an editorial layout with a specific purpose. 

List of deliverables
Process work
Poster of typeface
Final editorial layout​​​​​​​

Design strategy
The character that motivates my font is Amy March from Little Women (based on the newer version of the film). The medium I availed to identify my font that is a combination of serif and script, is embroidery. The editorial layout that is most suitable to introduce my font is a how-to guide for embroidery. 

For the redo, I did not reiterate the inspiration and narrative; therefore, the mood boards are the same. I also did not redo the typeface, but I took a new photograph of it, in other words, the typeface poster is new, and the editorial layout changed.
Amy March mood board
This mood board narrates Amy March's character to establish the background story of the typeface. Amy March is the focus, but the film's theme and plot also plays an important role in the creation of the font. 
Embroidery mood board
The medium of the typeface is embroidery and as seen above, is my inspiration. The intricacy and beauty of embroidery reflects Amy's alluring personality and the time period in which the film took place. 
Embroidery thread
The above image identifies the different colours of thread I used to embroider. It is a wide range of colours, but they all have the same feel and are reminiscent of the palettes associated with the 1800s. 
Typeface poster
I retook the photo of my embroidered typeface because the previous poster had not character or enchanting lighting. The new typeface poster and the new editorial layout has a better relationship, and it speaks more to the overall theme and tale. 

Editorial layout
I redid the editorial booklet because the previous version was modern and formal and did not suit the theme of the project. It is still an embroidery guide but more in a personal, journal, artistic style. I also infused more patterning, details, supporting fonts and illustrations. I wanted the embroidery typeface to be the star of the booklet, unlike the prior version.  
ILL 301.2 Editorial design (redo)

ILL 301.2 Editorial design (redo)
