Cara Cairncross's profile

IOW 300.2 Interactive design (redo)

IOW 300.2 Interactive design
laptop photo from
Brief summary
The final aim of this project is developing a relationship between UI/UX design and climate change. Climate change is streamlined into a particular aspect, that people have little to no understanding of. 

List of deliverables
Reference material and process work
A mock-up of the website in vertical narrative structure
One page desktop site

Design strategy
I decided to redo this project since I learned a lot about UI and UX during this year; this meant I could focus on the small elements like button design and best practice. I also took the opportunity to improve the illustrations and the overall design of the website. I redid the vertical narrative to showcase the new enhancements. I did not change the concept of the website, just the execution. Thus, all the illustrations and layouts changed, but none of the writing or concepts. 
The innocent and caregiver archetype
The meaning behind the website
Every time I hear about climate change, it drains all my energy, and I feel demotivated because I think there is no hope. The purpose of this website is to do the exact opposite. It centres around good news and the small changes that any person can make to this planet. When you leave this website, you should feel motivated, driven and hopeful. There is so much awful news in the world, and I hope that this website can add a little sunshine to the storm. 
Colour palette, logo and typography
The colour palette and logo did not change in the redo, but the typography did. I used one script font in the website redo and changed the sans serif font to make it more digital and recognisable. 
Did you know page
The purpose beyond this page is to inspire the user to complete the tasks that are to come. The fact will change every time you click next, and it will always be a constructive point, in other words, an area where the world is doing okay. 

The layout for this page change and I enhanced the illustrations and button design. 
Tasks page
The task section provides the user with a layout of options to choose from, depending on the type of activity they would like to participate in or an action they have already done. If they click one, they will jump to the part where they can say if they completed the task.

Layout, button design and illustrations are improved.   
Question, answer and result
The screens on the left indicate the question and a place to answer if they have completed the task or not. If they have completed it, they will be provided with a result, which is indicated on the right. The result consists of a statement which congratulates the user and informs them of an interesting fact.

New illustrations and questions with results were added with the redo.
Learn more
The final part is a link if the user is interested in learning more about climate change, and this website made them curious to do some further research. 
IOW 300.2 Interactive design (redo)

IOW 300.2 Interactive design (redo)
