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ADVE3630 Web Stategy & Design: Project 3 SEO Exercise

ADVE3630 Web Stategy & Design:  Project 3 SEO Exercise
   SEO Exercise

What exactly is SEO and why is it important?
What did you learn about the topic?
How did you go about finding SEO problems and solutions to them?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a ranking system for websites.  The ranking system addresses the web page content that includes the most recent relevant information that is available.  It also reviews, for example, the Performance (speed), the Accessibility for the user, Interact time, Cumulative Layout Shift.

I was not really familiar with SEO before this exercise but I can now see the importance of SEO.

I reviewed two general websites
 Pepsico -- the three lowest SEO scores was:
Cumulative Layout Shift (visual stability) 5%;
Total Blocking Time (amount of time that the page is blocked from 
responding to user input) 50%, and
Largest Contentful Paint (the measurement of how long it takes for the main 
           content of a page to download and be ready to be interacted with) 15%.

 Duck Tape -- the three lowest SEO scores was:
Performance --  very slow -- score of 11%;
Best Practice (user experience, key words) 71% and
SEO ranking 83%

.My overall improvements would be to address loading speed, review and improve quality of over all content in improving key words, headers and other typography issues. 
ADVE3630 Web Stategy & Design: Project 3 SEO Exercise

ADVE3630 Web Stategy & Design: Project 3 SEO Exercise
