Doug Forbes's profile

Moto Jerks Clothing Company

Moto Jerks is a clothing line that can take a beating. This company has a linear history, originating as a scrappy moped club, motorcycle group, and resulting as a passionate clothing company that strives to provide a product that endures. 

The founder of Moto Jerks and her friends simply make clothes they want to wear. Clothes that look good and clothes that can last while riding hard.
The original logo was a direct rip-off of a logo from the founder's past. Of course, this is a no-no. But it was a great place to start our conversation. After inquiring why this mark was originally..pirated, the founder had a multitude of wonderful aspirations and motivation in response that ultimately inspired the rebrand. The following are a few quotes from these meetings:

"...look Doug, I want them (customers) to know that this girl (referring to clothing) is the type that will take a punch to the face. And then she'll pick herself up, spit out her tooth, and laugh in your stupid f***king face. y'know what I mean?"

How can you not be inspired by that?

"I don't make fancy leathers for the soldier boys and I don't pretend to be a sons gang. We are just out to have fun and get dirty."

"I like the bad boy (previous logo) because it's a symbol, y'know? A red-headed step child mascot. ...because my dudes (people in her Moto Jerks group) have d**ks and p***sies and come in every flavor of ice creme. And it's important, because we all s**t and we defend our friends"
Saved sketches from the original concepting of the logo. We had explored a lot of options to be confident in with our results.
Moto Jerks logo lockups.
And so the logo was re-invented with special attention to the mascot, now named "Rough Ralphie" to customer's delight. 

The new logo is a symbol and testament to the new slogan, Ride Hard.

As symbolism is especially important to the customer, the logo is broken down into three identifiers that in combination is Moto Jerks; a black eye, a bloody nose, and a missing tooth. The customer was especially delighted when we pointed out that with a marker you can pirate any print ad by modifying that model with the Moto Jerks identifiers (black eye, bloody nose, missing tooth). 

Not that we would condone this behavior.
Sticker page with brand identifiers.
The rebrand comes at the perfect time for the Moto Jerks as they move into their next phase of clothing. 
Designed by
Doug Forbes
Moto Jerks Clothing Company

Moto Jerks Clothing Company
