Luís Rodrigues's profile

Academic* Arq. Paisagista | Anteprojeto | Ouro |

academic + post production
2011 + 2013

Analysis of the place:

Lawn surrounded by a parking lot.
Nice views over the river.
Automobiles dominate.

the design proposes:

enlarging and developing the green area - for that purpuse the existing retaining wall should be extended sideways and road and parking lots layouts should be moved aside.

The turfed slope can be modeled into small terraces so people can rest and contemplate the river. 

Restrain car parking and bloking views from car areas by design - by means of small hills and vegetation.




This is the place of the Intervention Project - how it looked like at the time we managed to propose some changes.

Contexto - analysis - análise [2011]


Bairro do Aleixo = Aleixo Neighborhood - > a tower complex with drugs and violence history - There's a program to demolish those towers and mobilize it's inhabitants throughout the city. Just 'google it'.

Estrada marginal = river front main road and tram line.

visualizing ideas on AUTOCAD 3D

tive formação em autocad 2D, contudo, neste projecto aventurei-me no autocad 3D.. e isto aqui é um 'print screen' dessa altura.. ups, o tempo esvairou-se. pois, lições de vida.
o modelo não ficou completo pois não tive o tempo necessário para avançar com este procedimento para um nível satisfatório, não era isso que se pretendia do exercício.

tenho uma máquina (computador) que mal aguenta estes processos mais pesados.

quando se proporcionar concluirei a maquete digital.

Academic* Arq. Paisagista | Anteprojeto | Ouro |

Academic* Arq. Paisagista | Anteprojeto | Ouro |

Public space requalification project A Landscape Architecture project elaborated in 2011 at University. The Place is located in Porto, Portugal
