My Identity Branded
What is your identity? What colors, fonts shapes define you? These questions and others where some that crossed the mind of the designer as she delved into a new opportunity for creating a brand identity system for a digital designer. This process was different in the fact that it didn't just start with sketches and trying out bad and good ideas. No it started with getting to know the client and coming to understand in what ways could she as the designer represent him and his story in a a business card or even in something as simple as a resume. It was a process! Yet a process that the designer loved. The crazy part though? Was having three weeks to create so much material and than to narrow it down to four simple pieces. Pieces that could be sent to the client and published online to continue to showcase the growth of the designer. 

Client who?
As was previously mentioned, the first step to this was learning who the client even was as a person. People are so different in personalities that branded them with a color and font choice is actually quite exciting. As such the first bit was just four simple questions. "What do you love?" "What do you with free time?" "What is your goal?" "Why this identity?" The client was quite pleased to learn that question where already written down and ready to discuss. Yet it was the least the designer could do....three weeks and the clock was already ticking. 
Sketches -> Digital 
With that sketches where drawn, digital ideas where put together and lots and lots of feedback was collected. Yet as this project was growing the client ending up not growing with the project. In fact he actually quite bowed out. A growing lesson to say the least, yet exciting for the designer, for she had to learn to finish the picture with only part of the material. 
As the weeks progressed and the project grew, items started to come together. 
Colors where chosen, patterns became real and with one feedback from the client concerning the font of choice the pieces became a final picture. 
Would one do that again? Go through the process of investing so much in a design and watching the client bow out? Yes, with no fault to the client, learning to function as a designer without a client was inspirational and something that does prepare one for the real world. For people are quite fickle and may hire you for a moment but may leave you sooner rather than later. 

Yet that is not the point of a designer, to give up as your client bows out. As a designer you create no matter the situation. For by doing so you show your value to the work and a value to yourself as a designer. 

The client at the end did appreciate the work given and liked the overall finished design. 
Identity Branded

Identity Branded
