Anna Draper's profile

Typeface Specimen

2682QCA Typography and Expression: Assessment 2
Typeface Design: Typeface Specimen

This is an assessment completed for Griffith University. The assignments in this course have been modelled on activities that reflected professional design practice. Throughout the process of this assessment, I have engaged in the process of de-constructing and reconstructing a system of custom letterforms based on an "art-deco" inspiration. It has greatly developed my knowledge and appreciation for typography, design, and layout.

The above shows my final typeface specimen poster for class presentation.

The above image shows my initial sketches before moving into digital development. 

I would continuously refer back to inspiration, especially the mood board that I had created. It displays some of the time period's signature architecture and decorations.

The above is a gif showing some examples of how the letterforms were developed over time. Throughout the process of creating the shapes in illustrators, gradual changes were made, eventually resulting in the final typeforms.

Typeface Specimen


Typeface Specimen
