The footprint (huella) and the place (lugar).
The condor can fly up to five thousand meters high and travel through large territories in their incursions in search of food. He is considered the bird that unites heaven and earth by pre-Columbian Andean cultures and is responsible for elevating the spirit of the dead to heaven. He is monogamous and, usually along his life, lonely.
Traces are the trail of peculiar beings that roam in the dark, in the landscape. They are the shadows that keep memories, the “eikon” or icon of Plato that belongs to the world of appearances and is related to the imitation made by the human mind on the eroded earth, the rough sea or the striped sky.
Over some years I have inhabited landscapes without a place to call “home”, marking and discovering traces and resonances that give voice to them, through their existence in us.
The stare on these images, these landscapes, is the result of a self-portrait looking outward.
What happens when dark dreams were dreamed in a scenery-landscape that is outside the revealed-to-our-eyes land? What wishes shaped these light changes?
The duality of light and darkness is present in these resonances, in images that keep, in the non-place, an interior mapping of myself.
This is, more than a documentary process, a physical and mental journey to an existence marked by these footprints, feeling the earth with the feet and living in a stage where sky, sea and earth unite.
Huella Lugar

Huella Lugar
