Client:  Nestle Toll House Cafe (
Services:  Web development collaboration with developers / html Code update
Below are some of the upgrades that happened which involved me working together with the backend developers to implement on our website
First upgrade to the site was to add the Coronavirus Government Update up at the top of the site in 2019. 

Second upgrade was to the header image that wasn't really responsive to our mobile site.  I made sure to work with the back end developers to add the mobile size in the CMS area so that we have both desktop and mobile image link available.  With this addition, mobile site is alive without banner image being cut off.

Third upgrade was made to the site for the editing the footer links and the rewording of the text about Franchising Opportunity, a simple html update.

Fourth upgrade was made to the online ordering page upgrading this to pull data on city, state or zip code, and be able to pull entities at least 200 miles in proximity of that search.
Fifth upgrade was made to add call link to the phone numbers, and the button color change.
Website upgrade

Website upgrade
