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Typographic Concertina Book

Type as Image Project

Text and image are normally treated as completely different things. Text presents a narrative to be read over time. Image is seen as a single cohesive unit to be looked at all at once. However, designers have to be able to use typography in such a way that it is visually appealing, while still communicating. In other words, typography can be thought of as both image and text. 

For this project we had to choose a New Zealand poem and after deciding what the text meant to us,  experiment with different media, materials and conventions in order to typographically arrange the text into a concertina book format. - Brief

The open door - by Joy Cowley

Life is just one door after another,
and the thing about doors
is that they don’t compromise.
They are either open or shut.
We all know the slamming door.
Sometimes it shuts so fast
that it almost cuts us in two,
and we are left in a state of grief.
At other times a door closes slowly,
squeezing us out of breath
until we have to step aside
and let ourselves be locked out.
A certain fact about doors
is that when one shuts on us
another one always opens,
but that’s not easy to see.
Often, I’m so busy knocking
on the door that’s solidly shut,
that I’m not aware of the other door
wide open at my back.
Typographic Concertina Book