Naqib Saufi's profile

The Fallen Admiral (2D Game Design)

The Fallen Admiral (Game Design)
About This Game
Set up in a fictional Malay's sultanate era ,the player took control of the Great Admiral who is considered the best fighter during the time, had been accused of committing an act of treason. The gullible ruler known as 'Sultan', ordered all of his fighters and citizens to capture the Admiral for his accused crime. Abandoning all his wealth and great life in the country, he must fight his way to the beach and flee the land through the sea. 
- 2D side scroller, hack n slash, pixel-art
- Survive the enemy waves and defeat the all the enemy
Game Level
- Sultan's Palace
- The Forest
- Beach
The Admiral
- One of the strongest and most respectable fighter in the country. The leader of the country's defence force, protecting the citizens from the enemy threats. A very kind and gentle man but can be very stern while working. Devoted himself to serve the Sultan and his country but he always considered his family as his top priority.

Gameplay Action
- Attack
- Jump
- Dash
Sultan's Fighters
- The army platoons and protector of the country. The have sworn their loyalty to the Sultan and will do anything on his command, even killing the Admiral. The are a few of them who still with the Admiral during the chaos and help him securing his way to the beach, providing a small raft for him to flee through the sea.

Gameplay Action
- Attack level 1 - A short sword 'Keris'
- Attack level 2 - A long spear
Supporting Characters
Admiral's Wife
- A kind and loving wife devoted to her husband. She is respected by the citizen as she always help them especially during festival. She like talking to other people and playing with the children as her husband is working. Despite seem a bit childish at a time, she posses great intelligence and very fond of learning new things. Can be a bit scary when mad.

- He had taken the throne a few years back after his father's sudden passing. Due to his upbringing and young age, he can be a bit apathetic and gullible sometime. Some high ranking officers had been taking advantages from him and trying to take control of the ruling from the back. He still hold great respect to his late father and is aspiring to be like him.
Level Design
Gamepaly Demo
The Fallen Admiral (2D Game Design)

The Fallen Admiral (2D Game Design)
