Granville Community
Empowering Community Through Food

The Granville Community is a community project in the North West of London. Partnering with various local organisations, it believes that everyone has the right to fresh, good quality, healthy food without costing the earth.

It began as a kitchen, organising regular and open-to-all activities, from cooking classes and supper clubs to movie nights and food-based enterprise incubators. This has since evolved into a gardening project, transforming green spaces in the South Kilburn area into community gardens, growing fresh produce and creating activities for nearby residents of all ages, including children from the local school.

The project’s new identity further amplifies the voice of the community and portrays the rough beauty and diversity of nature. Breathing the same visual language, both parts of the project have their own distinctive character: the Kitchen focuses more on typography and warm colours, whilst the Garden uses shades of green and rough illustrations, alluding to the natural world.

In a similar vein, the logo is composed of two parts. The upper section is unchanging in its representation of Granville Community, with the lower half changing to depict the Kitchen and Garden in turn. This creates a consistent and recognizable visual language which communicates both the different elements of the project and highlights the harmony between them.

The illustrations are manifold, reflecting the diversity of both the community and nature. From pin buttons to business cards, the illustrations appear as patterns across all elements of branding. The new identity captures the soul of the Granville Community project: Empowering community through food.
Granville Community

Granville Community
