Tyrannosaurus Rex
This model is my third iteration of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. This is the first time I've based a model on a 3d skeleton to ensure proper proportions. It also includes the updated anatomy, which discovered that the torso was far bulkier than previously depicted, such as in the Jurassic Park trilogy. While this is by far my most realistic model of this dinosaur, I'm already thinking through how to bring my next iteration to the next level! One thing that is on the agenda for sure is adding muscle physics and doing a full animation with it. There's a few retopo and texturing errors to resolve and I'd love to see how much more detail I can put into the sculpt! Blender has grown leaps and bounds on the sculpting end of things, so now there are far more possibilities!
2020 Model
This was a massive improvement from the 2019 iteration in many ways! I learned so much about form and proportions, yet if you know your dinosaurs, you'll notice right away how long its arms are, how small its head is, and how small its torso is. On the texturing end of things, I was finally able to do an entire paint job to replace that hideous red metallic I had used previously. Since my sculpting was fairly low-res, I used texturing on the feet to give more detail. I was doing everything in Blender at this point, and its texturing workspace still has much to desire, but it was all I had at the time.
2019 Model
This was my first attempt and while it is embarrassing to show, it is useful in showing how far I've come since then. It was here that I realized how little I knew about proportions and form. 

