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德国廉价连锁超市奥乐齐(Aldi)品牌升级 Aldi supermarket Brand upgrade

奥乐齐Aldi是德国廉价连锁超市品牌,其品牌印象是过时,廉价以及无聊。它所专注于“低价”的品牌定位已经失去了独特的竞争力,如何让一个“廉价”品牌更有吸引力?吸引年轻消费者, 通过完整的用户体验和品牌形象变得强大,现代,富有参与性, 传达新的品牌观念: 便宜但更酷。

Aldi is a discount supermarket chains brand in Germany, Its brand impression is outdated, cheap and boring. The positioning of the “ low-cost ” has lost its unique competitiveness. How to make a “ CHEAP ” brand ATTRACTIVE ? Attract young consumers via a full user experience and a brand identity “ Strong, Modern and Engaging ”, thereby communicate a new concept: Lower cost, but cooler.​​​​​​​

新的视觉形象来源于奥乐齐单一品牌定位“硬折扣 ”,希望在保持廉价的基础上,能够延伸出多元化的品牌印象。
The new image of the brand comes from Aldi’ single brand positioning of “ hard discount ”, with the hope that on the basis of keeping it cheap, we can extend a diversified brand impression.


In addition to the application of supermarket logos, the unified visual image also extends Aldi pop-up store by increasing its creative side. Aldi maps placed in public places can be scanned by using the app to find the location and time of the pop-up store. Simplifying Aldi's logo as a dynamic logo for pop-up shops, the sharp yellow dots highlight its flexibility and innovation. The use of containers as a carrier for pop-up shops not only corresponds to the shape of the blue square of the logo, but retains Aldi's cheap positioning and highlights the younger and lively image of the brand。​​​​​​​

德国廉价连锁超市奥乐齐(Aldi)品牌升级 Aldi supermarket Brand upgrade


德国廉价连锁超市奥乐齐(Aldi)品牌升级 Aldi supermarket Brand upgrade
