Crab Apple (2020)
This was a 'Pun' Project, where we had to choose a word that could have an alternate meeting, I chose a 'Crab Apple' and create a model to represent the literal meaning of the word.

Materials: Silicone, Fast cast, Sculpey, Acrylic paints, Copper wire
Processes: Moulding, Casting, Airbrushing, Spot welding

Above: Final Design Drawing
To make this apple body look realistic, I used an airbrush to build up the colours and neatly merge them together. I used Acrylic paint and water (as the thinner) rather than cellulose as a bit of an experiment, as acrylic blends well using an airbrush and it sprays finely so I could gradually build up the colours.

Above show the casts that I got from my mould. I made a one part silicone mould of a real apple that I carved and shaped to how I wanted. I then poured in fast cast and degassed it very briefly to make sure the fast cast reached some of the more awkward parts. Doing a one part mould meant less seams to clean up working better with the time frame.

I did a final clear lacquer to protect the acrylic spray more, as I found that the spray can scratch of easily, but this lacquer did protect it quite well, it also helped bring the waxy quality to the apple.

I would love to make some smaller more detailed versions of this as I think the idea is quite fun! Another way I looked at doing this was to make this would be using expanding foam and flexible paints to go on the foam, but time restrictions, as this was a short project, the delivery times would not have worked therefore this is the way I took forward.
Crab Apple

Crab Apple
