Celtic Heraldry

Personal - Lord of the Rings Online Kinship

Final Design
I was asked by the kinship I was part of, in Lord of the Rings Online, to design a heraldry for them. The concept is based off an Irish coat of arms. As the community is known as "Celtic Social Club", I wanted to create a design that combined elements of celtic culture, medieval culture and a little nordic. It was important to me that the artwork would be representaive of the fictional world in which our community exists.

The font spells out the words "CELTIC SOCIAL CLUB" and has the appearance that they have been drawn.
The heraldry features four main aspects. The top left is a bear, symbolising the beorning class. The beorning is unique class, with its ability to shape shift in and out of a bearform. The top right is of a sword and a pipe, summerising the other classes of the game, martial weapon users and magic users. Bottom left symbolises community and crafting. The vertical lines represent rows of barley, whilst the mug represents consumption of ale, after it has been processed. The bottom right tree symbolises nature, and the abundence of wild landscapes in Middle Earth.

I'm very pleased with the final design. I feel like it encompasses all the elements I set out to include. It has a feeling that it belongs as an illustration within a 1900s fantasy novel. The design doesn't feel too rigid.
Development Stage
Celtic Heraldry


Celtic Heraldry
