College Projects Compilation
Editorial Design / Layout (Magazine)
Name: Blank Magazine
Program: InDesign
Institute CDD - 4th semester
Stamps Vector Design
Name: "Paseo los Próceres" (Venezuela)
Program: Illustrator
Institute CDD - 4th semester
Editorial Design / Layout (Newspaper)
Name: Caracas City
Program: Indesign
Institute CDD - 5th semester
Typographic Design
Name: Word Play
Program: Illustrator
Institute CDD - 5th semester
Brand Design / Layout (Interactive Manual)
Name: Visual Identity Manual for PAVECA C.A.
Program: InDesign / Illustrator
Institute CDD - 6th semester
Synthesis, Vector Design, Fold-able / Build-able Figure and Poster: Afghan Hound
Name: Papyrus Animalae - It's a dog thing - Pedigree
Program: Illustrator / Photography
Institute CDD - 4th semester
Poster Typographic and Vector Design
Name: Multiple Posters Projects
Program: Illustrator
Institute CDD
Typography Design / Fold-able Design
Name: Ionian Lotus
Program: Ilustrator / Fontlab
Institute CDD - 5th semester
Brand Design (Logo, Visual Identity and Stationery)
Name: Aká Suena - Art Academy
Program: Illustrator
Institute CDD - 3rd semester / Client: Aká Suena
Brand Design (Logo, Visual Identity and Stationery)
Name: Blank24h - Print Shop
Program: Illustrator
Institute CDD - 3rd semester
College Projects

College Projects
