Lowell Stevens's profile

Facebook Gaming Redesign

The homepage for Facebook Gaming. I redesigned it with inspiration from Twitch and Mixer, while maintaining Facebook's brand identity through colors and simplicity. 
A closer look at the Facebook gaming homepage. The facebook logo in the top left would take users back to their Facebook page, while the messenger icon in the top right would open a discrete messenger window for instant messaging, maintaining the facebook ecosystem. However, FBG would have its own messaging system for direct messages, keeping them distinct from personal messages. 
When doing user research, a major issue found was that users, particularly younger users, didn't want their viewing, following, and chatting activity broadcast under their real name and identity for fear of doxxing, lack of privacy, and being unwilling to have their family or coworkers see what they're watching and doing. This is not a flashy image, but provides a layer of separation between Facebook social and Facebook gaming, providing a layer of privacy and anonymity stream viewers want. Users log into their FBG account with their facebook account, ensuring that they remain connected but distinct. 
Facebook Gaming Redesign


Facebook Gaming Redesign
