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Post Corona Eat-out Business Platform


Covid-vaccine results are still on the way, however, it seems that coronavirus pandemic is not going to be over soon. Small business owners are heavily affected by this pandemic, especially restaurant industry. Post Corona Eat-out Business Platform is a concept project to help restaurant business owners to survive, it’s time to move on. We all know that rent has become a heavy burden for them especially these days when everything is unpredictable, there’s no such a thing as off-season or peak season. It is not wise to keep on renting a fixed space under one-year lease during these uncertain times.

 No one can tell when everything’s going back to normal. Therefore, we need to revolutionize traditional eat-out by creating a new design and system to keep everyone safe. Post Corona Eat-out Business Platform provides business owners with autonomous mobility designed specially for restaurant. It can be rent on a day as wishes and used in almost any location in the city. Restaurant owners can sell their food anywhere, or perhaps rent it just once a week without long-term rent contracts. This platform would help to kick-start the economy in post-Covid world.

Post Corona Eat-out Business Platform


Post Corona Eat-out Business Platform
